25 Oct 2023

Nicole from the YCG catches up with Jithin on his placement and how he’s finding the BHA Development Placement

In this interview for National Graduate Week, Nicole from our Youth Collaboration Group chats with Jithin whose currently in the BHA Communications department.

Hello Jithin thanks for chatting with me, first questions what was your favourite part of the BHA Development Programme?

Every moment has been well and truly special however, my favourite part was getting to know the sport from an inside perspective, I’ve never been part of the racing industry before joining the BHA development programme and I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone involved in racing and seeing the connection between the horses and grooms.

What was the best advice you got from the BHA Development Programme?

I doubted that I would be fit for the industry however its a very welcoming industry to people from all different backgrounds. I feel the best advice I got was to spend as much time in the industry as I can, as everyone is willing to help you out and teach you a if you are eager to learn more

Where have you been placed this year?  

My placement is split into 2 teams. The first 6 months is spent with the Communications team and my main role is working behind the scenes of the Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards which are sponsored by Godolphin. I’m also supporting my boss planning an evening for children form minority backgrounds to get to see the career paths inside the racing industry and explore where racing could take them. The second half of my placement will be on the data team at BHA.

What is your favourite part about your placement so far?

The behind the scene and getting to attend the races is one of my favourite parts as well as knowing how much the industry cares about people from diverse backgrounds. I’m grateful for everyone giving me so many opportunities to learn and grow. My favourite part is knowing how much people care about the horses.

What have you learned within your placement?

I have learned a lot about the sport, about the welfare of the horses and I have been learning about animal rights. I believe that people inside the industry are the biggest animal lovers and care so much for the horses they care for. Another great part I have enjoyed is learning how to plan and organise different types of events.

What career progression have you been able to achieve due to doing the course?

I’m still exploring and still learning but I’m very interested in being included In the Diversity and Inclusion strategies in the industry and how to make the sport accessible for more people from diverse background. Plus learning more about the sport.

What is the next step for you after your placement?

My next step is something I haven’t thought about much but definitely to stay within the racing industry. Hopefully to continue to be involved in the diversity and inclusion strategies and to continue my learning and growing 

How did you find your time in Newmarket?

It was an unbelievable experience, I got to meet and get to know so many people during my residential stay. This was a big part of my time in the BHA Development Programme, it was great to see the young people with a passion for the industry. 

You can find out more about the 2024 BHA Development Programme here.

Nicole has done a mix of content for the Youth Collaboration Group including interviews, previews and assisted on creation of many of Careers in Racings merchandise.

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