If I had to pick a certain part, it would be working on horses that have “problem” feet and getting it right and comfortable.
Hi Phil, obviously I know you but please tell us who you are and what your job title is?
My name is Philip Perryman and I am a Farrier. My full title is AWCF BSC Hons Liveryman of the worshipful company of Farriers.
How long have you been in the job?
A very long time since 1978!
What made you want to be a Farrier?
I always had horses myself when I was younger and from a young age I knew I wanted to be a farrier, it was always something I wanted to do
How did you get into the industry?
As soon as I was old enough, I done a 4 year apprenticeship then had to sit the recognised exam at the end of it.
What’s the best part of your job?
There are many different parts of my job which make me happy. I enjoy working outdoors and I am my own boss with my own business. If I had to pick a certain part, it would be working on horses that have “problem” feet and getting it right and comfortable.
How many horses do you work on in a week?
About 25, some weeks slightly more, if there are several at the same yard like here. I spent the whole of a Monday here keeping all the racehorses up together so I don’t have to drive about between yards, so I get more done.
What’s been a career highlight for you?
I shod at the Olympics, Mark Todd’s horse, that was pretty special.
What’s your favourite racehorse you’ve worked on?
It has to be Freedom and Wheat, he is such a superstar on and off the track, he is a pleasure to work on.
How do you deal with high pressure situations?
Working with horses, a high pressure or potentially dangerous situations can occur at any moment. To avoid them and have a relaxed atmosphere I always try and be quiet, relaxed and calm around the horses, with a cool head about me. When a situation does arise, I’m always alert and ready for it, and again staying calm is key.
What advice would you give someone looking to do this job?
Gain hands on work experience whenever you can, not just with a farrier but at yards learning how to handle and deal with the horses will hold you in good stead when applying for a apprenticeship!
Thanks so much for your time Phil, myself and Careers in Racing really appreciate it!
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